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Ashraf Chowdhury

Software Engineer - JPMorgan Chase & Co.

As a Software Developer and a University Lecturer, guided more than 1000+ students in Computer Science & Engineering and worked in various development projects, improved algorithms, and wrote research papers in Machine Learning.

Work Experience

LeetCode Solutions | Youtube
Girl in a jacket

Work Experience

Open to learning new technologies and thrive in positions that involve opportunities related to development, automation with creativity.

Software Engineer

at JPMorgan Chase & Co. [March 2023 - Present]

The JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank worldwide as of December 31, 2022, by market capitalization.


at Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh [June 2021 - May 2022]

Software Developer

at Delta Developer, Dhaka, Bangladesh [May 2018 – June 2021]


Bachelor's Degree

Computer Science & Engineering Departmentat at United International University, Bangladesh
CGPA: 3.98 out of 4.00

Projects & Class Works

Technical Skills


OOP, Constructor, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Exception, Abstraction, Inheriance, File, Socket Programming

-> Python

Machine Learning, MySQL, MongoDB, JSON, Modules, Matplotlib, Exception, Hash Set, LinkedList,

-> C

Basics, Structures, Recursion, File

-> C++

Basics, OOP, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Files, Exception

-> AWS

IAM, ELB, EC2, S3, Databases & Analytics

-> Assembly

Basics, Arithmetic, Logical Instructions, Memory Management


Basics, Classes, Async, HTML DOM, JSON, Web APIs, JQuery

-> PHP

Basics, Advanced, MySQL Database, OOP, Exception

-> React

Basics, Hooks

-> Django

Basics, Templates, QuerySets

-> Node.js

Basics, MySQL, MongoDB

-> Flutter

Basics, Animation, State Management, REST API

-> HTML, CSS, BootStrap

Basics, Forms, Graphics, Media

-> Databases

MySQL, MongoDB, Google Firebase, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB

-> Tools

Git, VS Code, Trello, JIRA, MS Project, IntelliJ, CodeBLOCKS, Eclipse, Android Studio, PyCharm

Projects & Class Works

Interpersonal Skills

-> Lecturer

-> Leadership Skills

-> Empathy

-> Teamwork

-> Active listening


Projects Showcase

Some of my university projects and under my supervision projects.


A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach to Detect Bangla Social Media Hate Speech

View Conference Paper


LeetCode Solutions

Data Structure Problems Tutorials

View Page

Weather Reporter

React.JS, Node.js, REST API, Google Firebase

Watch Live Project

Graphics User Interface Project

JAVA, GUI, Socket Programming

Watch Source Code

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Compared with different models KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression etc

Watch Source Code

Online Garage


Watch Source Code


Smart Blind Stick

Arduino Uno, GPS Module A7, UltrasonicSensor

Watch Video


Under My Supervision Project [NUB MART]

WooCommerce Plugin, Database MySQL

Under Development


Data Structure & Algorithm Tutorials

Source Code on Data Structure Topics

Source Code

Location: Texas, USA

For any kind of information, feel free to contact me.

Thank You.