As a Software Developer and a University Lecturer, guided more than 1000+ students in Computer Science & Engineering and worked in various development projects, improved algorithms, and wrote research papers in Machine Learning.
Work ExperienceOpen to learning new technologies and thrive in positions that involve opportunities related to development, automation with creativity.
The JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank worldwide as of December 31, 2022, by market capitalization.
OOP, Constructor, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Exception, Abstraction, Inheriance, File, Socket Programming
Machine Learning, MySQL, MongoDB, JSON, Modules, Matplotlib, Exception, Hash Set, LinkedList,
Basics, Structures, Recursion, File
Basics, OOP, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Files, Exception
IAM, ELB, EC2, S3, Databases & Analytics
Basics, Arithmetic, Logical Instructions, Memory Management
Basics, Classes, Async, HTML DOM, JSON, Web APIs, JQuery
Basics, Advanced, MySQL Database, OOP, Exception
Basics, Hooks
Basics, Templates, QuerySets
Basics, MySQL, MongoDB
Basics, Animation, State Management, REST API
Basics, Forms, Graphics, Media
MySQL, MongoDB, Google Firebase, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB
Git, VS Code, Trello, JIRA, MS Project, IntelliJ, CodeBLOCKS, Eclipse, Android Studio, PyCharm
Some of my university projects and under my supervision projects.
Compared with different models KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression etc
Watch Source CodeFor any kind of information, feel free to contact me.
Thank You.